Recommended "next-to-skin" active layers (incl. t-shirts)
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Recommended "next-to-skin" active layers (incl. t-shirts)
Recommended active outer layers that double as mid-layers in colder conditions
Recommended light and midweight insulation that can be combined for serious sub zero conditions
Recommended lightweight waterproofs
Recommendations for the head, hands, feet & elsewhere
Recommended thermals for a good night's sleep
All recommended clothing for the upper body
All recommended clothing for the lower body
Shows all results for "Clothing"
Recommended packs, bags and pouches
Recommended solo tents / bivvies, sleeping bags, mats etc.
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Scramble test and rate outdoor gear. Items with the highest ratings in each class are added to our reviews & recommendations. We then source those items for sale via our partnership with gp-net SYSTEM. So we're a hybrid: half review site and half shop. Our goal is to offer a collection of tough, high quality clothing and equipment to cater for multi-day / multi-week trekking in tough conditions over challenging terrain. You can learn more about our ethos, our testing and rating method and our partnership with SYSTEM in our about section.
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