Top Rated: Nordisk Ven 2.5 Self-Inflating Sleeping Mat (8.0 / 10)

Category: 3 Season Sleeping Mat

Nordisk's Ven 2.5 Self-Inflating Sleeping Mat

Nordisk's Ven 2.5 is a high quality, lightweight, ideally proportioned, self-inflating sleeping mat that provides a high degree of comfort for its low weight and sufficient insulation to handle nighttime temperatures just below freezing (tested down to -2°C).

The Ven 2.5 comes with a well finished stuff sack, a good quality strap and includes a puncture repair kit (as most do).

Its one weakness is its slipperiness when in contact with synthetic materials like those used in traditional groundsheets, tent floors, bivvies and sleeping bags. However, this weakness can be easily remedied whether directly or indirectly and though noteworthy is not unique to the Ven 2.5.

Without this minor slippery negative, the Ven 2.5 would be almost perfect, instead it's just extremely good and is Scramble's top pick in our 3 Season Sleeping Mat category.

Published: 21st August 2018